Gary is Jesus is a groundbreaking electronic musical that explores identity, desire and the religious parallels of celebrity within the world of experimental 80’s electro-pop music. Following the slow deterioration of a peer group centred around cult-like celebrity Gary, the musical examines the consequences of the seemingly tiniest of actions. Gary is Jesus is a provocative, hilarious, violent, examination of the love and desire in the modern age and musical theatre at its most ambitious and innovative.
Gary Is Jesus, La Mama Explorations. October 2023.
Cast. Jarrod Griffiths, Ariana Rigazzi, Grace Miell, Luke Leong-Tay, Jo Jabalde, Chris Burgess, Scout Hook (Stage Directions)
Book, music, lyrics. Conor Neylon & Jackson Peele. Direction. Jackson Peele. Musical Direction. Conor Neylon. Dramaturgy. Scout Hook. Audio Mixer and Music Production Supervisor. Lachlan Hol. Audio and Sound Technician. James Savage. Lighting Design. Jacob Shears. Promotional Images. James Reiser.